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Fast Track Your CSCL/CSCL/CSCMP Journey

Earn exemptions based on your experience
and / or education

Copyright SCMAO 2023

Talk To us about fast-tracking your designation


We understand and appreciate how valuable one’s time is in today’s world. Our role is to help facilitate your career growth and provide efficient pathways for you, all while maintaining the necessary standards of the profession.

Recognizing this prior learning can reduce training and certification time, motivate those working within supply chain to access further training and credentials, help employers enhance their own understanding of the capabilities and potential of their employees, and guide academic institutions on core areas of learning. All of this will help to elevate our profession!

Contact us directly at 416.977.7566 Ext. 2150

Partner Colleges/Universities and Exemptions

Below are the individual colleges/universities and corresponding courses we recognize for exemptions. Exemptions based on education will only be considered for education that has been completed within the last five years.

CIMT College

Conestoga College

Durham College

Fanshawe College

George Brown College

Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Loyalist College

Mohawk College

Niagara College

Seneca Polytechnic

Sheridan College

St. Clair College

Trillium College

Trios College

University of Windsor

Wilfred Laurier University

York University's Asian Business Management Program

York University, Schulich School of Business